
Leah Wise was created to chronicle my move from Florida to Charlottesville, Virginia in 2012. Over the years, it became a place to store original poetry, theological explorations, sermons, photography, and life updates.

I received a B.A. in Religion from Florida State University. Throughout my 20s, I worked in the retail and service industries as a call center employee, picture framer, barista, screen printer, vintage reseller, and thrift store manager. I eventually answered a call to ministry.

After completing my M.Div. at Yale Divinity School, I was ordained as an Episcopal priest. After completing a curacy (post-grad residency) in Houston, Texas, my husband, cats, and I moved to Austin in the spring of 2024.

While I haven’t updated this blog as much in recent years, I hope to make it a permanent home for sermon manuscripts and other pastoral care and theological reflections.

In addition to this blog, I maintain a sustainable lifestyle blog at stylewise-blog.com and write for publications such as Christianity Today, Relevant Magazine, Mind Body Green, and Elephant Journal.

I’ve also consulted for and partnered with nonprofits such as Kentucky Council of Churches, Catholic Relief Services’ Ethical Trade Initiative, the Rainforest Alliance, and the United Nations Development Programme. I was recently featured on popular lifestyle blog, Cup of Jo.

15 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Leah,
    I ran across your blog today googling a friend of mine also named Leah Wise, who passed away on Sunday, many miles away from me. What a treat when your lovely springtime photos came up and your little mouse poem!. Both suit my Leah perfectly! I’d love to read the poem at a small memorial gathering for our Leah. Would you mind?

    1. Hello,

      Thank you for commenting. I’m sorry to hear that your friend passed away and I’d be honored if you would read my poem at her memorial service. I’ll be praying for you and her other loved ones.

      – Leah

  2. I don’t scroll through your blog as often as I should, but scrolling through tonight I wanted to “like” every post. Your pictures are truly gorgeous. And I’m really appreciative that you got Instagram no matter how weird it is to say, but I like seeing what you shoot quickly, in the moment- The rawness to it and the way you capture light on the nature and buildings of Charlottesville is lovely.

  3. I was checking out your blog when I saw your picture from UVA. I thought you might like to read my post of TJ. I grew up in Staunton, my husband has an architectural degree from VA and my son has a degree…it is home , but now I live in NY! My blog is mostly about our 4 months in incredible India, but I am also posting other things now that we are back in NY. The blog is talesalongtheway.com and here is the post if you are interested! Namaste. . .. Anne


  4. Hey!

    We just opened our brand new HD Radio Station in Woodbridge, Virginia. Would you be interested in broadcasting a live show with us? We’d love to work with you and help expand your blog! Give us a call!

    Royal Crown Studios: 703-490-9028

  5. Hi Leah (great name by the way!)

    I just read your article on Relevant mag and love and completely agree with what you wrote, this is something I am very passionate about.
    I actually own a small vintage company called Bellows Vintage:


    Please feel free to have a peruse.

    I would love to be added to your directory.
    Thanks for inspiring this generation and inspiring me! Keep preachin’

    Leah @ Bellows Vintage
    (Birmingham, England)

  6. I have recently returned to my Father, as the prodigal daughter, so to speak and I want to speak out to the world regarding His grace ,power and the awesome love that He welcomed me with!
    I was impressed with the freshy pressed post you made and also delighted to find you as a sister along the same path as I walk.Thank you so much.

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