A Prayer for Midterm Elections

Photo by Element5 Digital on Pexels.com

“He has told you, O mortal, what is good, 
    and what does the Lord require of you 
but to do justice and to love kindness 
    and to walk humbly with your God?”

Let us pray for God’s kingdom to come, responding: “Your will be done” 

Merciful and loving God, we come to you this evening, on the eve of the midterm elections, carrying anxiety, grief, expectation, and hope. Comfort us with your presence in these tense and uncertain days before us. Your kingdom come,  

Your will be done. 

O Lord, we pray that you guide our elected leaders in discernment and right judgment, that they may be reminded of the weighty task of their vocation and seek to attend to the wellbeing of all their constituents. Your kingdom come, 

Your will be done. 

O Lord, we pray that you make yourself known to all running for office, that they may humbly examine their hearts and their spirits. Turn their will toward justice, kindness, and mercy. Your kingdom come, 

Your will be done. 

O Lord, we pray for all who are eligible to vote, that they may arise tomorrow with enthusiasm for their duty. Remove obstructions, provide for their safety, and help them to understand their immense value. Your kingdom come, 

Your will be done. 

O Lord, we pray for the incarcerated, incapacitated, and disenfranchised. Guard them with your Holy Spirit and let us come together to ensure that all who live in this nation are treated as divine image bearers. Your kingdom come, 

Your will be done. 

O Lord, we pray for those who are suffering because of unjust laws. Make a way, provide for their needs, and bend the arc of history toward your justice. Your kingdom come, 

Your will be done. 

O Lord, we pray for those who are under threat of violence. Protect them, provide for their bodily and spiritual care, and defuse the hatred of those who seek to cause harm. Your kingdom come, 

Your will be done. 

O Lord, we pray that your church repents, turning from the temptation of earthly power. May we be guided by you, O Christ, and only you, formed in your prophetic truth-telling, unwavering love, and unrelenting call. Your kingdom come, 

Your will be done. 

O Lord, we pray that, regardless of outcomes, we may continue to seek the light of Christ in all things. Fill us with hope, lead us to action, and help us live in the freedom you have demonstrated to us through your life, death, and glorious resurrection. Your kingdom come, 

Your will be done. Amen.


twigsRelics can be
Bones that held
Together, exoskeleton:

A camera initiated
In the summer
of hate

A serving tray bought
In Town – You
visited with
Your daughter

The thermos you drank
Tea in, with ritual
like it was the Body
of Christ, containing
wine, mixed with
Your blood

Relics can be
old CD towers, particle
Board book
Cases – Glassware
Wrapped in newspapers
Dating 1983

Let me press
bone against Living
Palm, fleshiness
will you speak
Will you?
Tell me
Why You Had to